ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 4(117)The state of interpsychic and intrapsychic personal resources in the context of psychological adaptation-disadaptation in dermatological patients with different levels of vital threat
Title of the article The state of interpsychic and intrapsychic personal resources in the context of psychological adaptation-disadaptation in dermatological patients with different levels of vital threat
Authors Skrebtsova Hanna
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 4(117) Pages 82-88
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-009:616.89-052 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V31-is4-2023-12

 Purpose: to investigate the state of intrapsychic and interpsychic sources of the individual’s personal resource base in the context of the continuum “psychological adaptation — maladaptation” in dermatological patients with diseases of various levels of vital threat, to develop, in the future, personalized psychocorrection programs for this category of patients. On the basis of informed consent, in compliance with the principles of biomedical ethics and deontology, we examined 120 dermatological patients who were treated in three branches of the clinic “Dr. Zapolska Clinic” during 2020—2021, namely: 60 patients with non-vital dermatological diseases (seborrheic keratosis L82, condylomas A63.0, hemangiomas D18.0, vitiligo L80 — per ICD-10), and 60 patients with dermatological diseases posing a vital threat (skin melanoma C43, basal cell carcinoma C44, skin carcinoma D04 — per ICD-10). Among patients with dermatological diseases, there are both individuals with a high level of personal adaptation resources and a deficit of vitality, resilience, and social support, regardless of the vitality/non-vitality of the pathological process. The state of both intrapsychic — vitality and resilience, and interpsychic — social support — sources of personality resources, has a decisive influence on the formation and development of states of psychological maladjustment in patients with a dermatological profile, regardless of the nature of the disease. A high level of personal resources is a prevention factor for the development of maladjustment even in the situation of vital illness, while their deficiency becomes the impetus and basis for the development of maladjustment in patients with non-vital diseases. The obtained results regarding the fact that dermatological patients without clinical signs of psychological maladjustment, regardless of the nosological affiliation of the main disease, have sufficient internal and external resources of adaptability and support, are predictable for us, but such that required scientific justification and proof. Revision of the personal resource base with an analysis of the state of interpsychic and intrapsychic sources of it in patients with dermatological diseases with different levels of vital threat proved the presence of an inverse linear trend regarding their severity and the state of psychological maladjustment, the development and progression of which occurs against the background of a decrease in both inter- and intrapsychic indicators resources of the individual, and substantiated the primary significance of the lack of adaptive resources and the secondary significance of nosospecific features of dermatological pathology in the formation of states of psychological maladjustment. The issue of primary/secondary status of the resource base and destructive mental response as a response to a dermatological disease in the form of psychological maladaptation is one that requires further study. But we can assume that if the disease of dermatological pathology occurs against the background of increased stress-vulnerability and insufficient stress-protective resources of the individual due to a defining deficit of personal vitality and resilience, potentiated by a lack of social support, this leads to the development of clinical and psychological maladaptation, which, according to the “vicious circle” principle, further reduces the stress-protective capabilities of the individual. The identified regularities should be considered when developing treatment-rehabilitation and psycho-prophylactic measures in patients with dermatological pathology with different levels of vital threat and psychological adaptation.
Key words psychosomatic medicine, psychodermatology, vital threat level, psychological maladaptation, personal resources, vitality, resilience, social support
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