ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 4(117)The attitude of the citizens of Ukraine and Israel to the general categories of time in modern conditions
Title of the article The attitude of the citizens of Ukraine and Israel to the general categories of time in modern conditions
Authors Lutsyk Volodymyr
Maruta Oksana
Voitenko Iryna
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 4(117) Pages 72-74
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 159.922:612.821.8:342.7 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V31-is4-2023-10

 The purpose of the work was to study the peculiarities of the attitude to general categories of time (past, present, future) of citizens of Ukraine and Israel. It was surveyed during 2022— 2023. 88 mentally healthy persons, of whom 60 (68.18 %) citizens of Ukraine and 28 (31.82 %) citizens of Israel using the Zimbardo Time Perspective Questionnaire, which allows to assess the perception of time in a five-factor model, the components of which are “negative past”, “positive past”, “fatalistic present”, “hedonistic present” and “future”. The obtained data shows that Ukrainians during the war are more likely to feel a loss of control over their own destiny and detachment from the passage of time, as well as a feeling of overwhelming dependence on conditions and factors that cannot be influenced or changed in any way. Ukrainians have a significantly lower orientation to the future than Israelis, and the ability to set goals and make plans for the future is also lower. Therefore, the indicated trends, which are related to the human experience of the catastrophic consequences of the war, determine the important directions of psychocorrective work, including with patients with post-traumatic mental disorders, in the structure of which there are violations in the attitude to the main categories of time and in the perception of the inseparability of its flow. Such violations, that is, the distortion of the “time perspective”, especially in relation to the future, is an important pathopsychological cluster, which should be one of the main targets of psychocorrective work with a person in war conditions.
Key words time categories, past, present, future, citizens of Ukraine, citizens of Israel, psychodiagnostics
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