ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 3 (116)Algorithm for choosing the optimal complex therapy for persons with alcohol dependence
Title of the article Algorithm for choosing the optimal complex therapy for persons with alcohol dependence
Authors Minko Oleksandr
Markozova Lubov
Artemchuk Anatolii
Lisna Natalia
Baranenko Oleksiy
Нoltsova Svіtlana
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 3 (116) Pages 91-98
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.13-08 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V31-is3-2023-15

 The goal is to develop an algorithm for providing assistance to persons addicted to alcohol and corresponding clinical protocols. The state of providing medical care to patients with mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol consumption in Ukraine in the absence of clinical guidelines and protocols was studied, the most common clinical guidelines and clinical protocols in the developed countries of the world were analyzed; Prototypes for the creation of appropriate national clinical guidelines and clinical protocols have been identified among them. An algorithm for choosing the optimal complex therapy for persons addicted to alcohol was developed and its adaptation for the needs of Ukraine was carried out, taking into account the evidence base.
Key words alcohol dependence, algorithm, pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, evidence-based medicine
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