ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 3 (112) - Abstracts The influence of genetic polymorphisms on the risk of comorbid mental and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and their sensitivity to different options of pharmacotherapy
Title of the article The influence of genetic polymorphisms on the risk of comorbid mental and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and their sensitivity to different options of pharmacotherapy
Authors Martsenkovskyi I. A.
Martsenkovska I. I.
Makarenko H. V.
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 3 (112) - Abstracts Pages 74-75
Type of article Abstracts Index UDK 616.43-008.6-053.2.-06:616.45-008.64 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is3-2022-68

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