ГоловнаArchive of numbers2021Volume 29, issue 4 (109)Features of use of evoked potential method on children with epilepsy of pre- and puberty age-old period
Title of the article Features of use of evoked potential method on children with epilepsy of pre- and puberty age-old period
Authors Gekova Maryna
Tantsura Lyudmyla
Year 2021 Issue Volume 29, issue 4 (109) Pages 19-21
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616-053.2-616.853.4-6:612.821:611.84-85 Index BBK -

This paper of the usage of the evoked potential method is studied, in patients with epilepsy. A brief description of the method is described. A pilot study of auditory long-latency and visual on the outbreak of evoked potential was carried out in 19 children with various forms of epilepsy, who are in long-term remission, and also with pharmacoresistant seizures. It was found that the visual evoked potentials are more indicative than auditory evoked potential. In most cases, a decrease in the amplitude and lengthening of evoked potentials latencies was revealed. Moreover, in the presence of focal changes, interocular or interaural differences were recorded. In that way, it is necessary to study the features of evoked potentials in children with epilepsy, study evoked potentials in the course of treatment in order to predict the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy. The obtained data will serve as the basis for further research of the evoked potential method in children with epilepsy.
Key words epilepsy, children, evoked potential, visual evoked potentials on flash, auditory long-latent evoked potential.
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