ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 1 (98)The research of clinical and psychological factors in the develop ment of alcohol dependence and codependence of states in conditions of social stress
Title of the article The research of clinical and psychological factors in the develop ment of alcohol dependence and codependence of states in conditions of social stress
Authors Markozova Lubov
Lisna Natalia
Нoltsova Svіtlana
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 1 (98) Pages 57-61
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.03-616.05 Index BBK -
Abstract The academic paper identifi es the social, clinical and psychological factors of alcohol dependence (AD) and codependency in social stress; it is elucidated that the main motive of alcohol consumption in stressful situations is the expectation that alcohol facilitates the experience of stress, changes the cognitive perception of the stressful situation, and prevents the activation of memories associated with stress. However, if the stressor was perceived and the stress reaction started, alcohol does not realize the stress-protective action, but rather increases stress due to the deterioration of coping strategies and cognitive functions. It was elucidated that in the chronic course of alcohol dependence, the negative consequences of alcohol abuse come to the fore, which in turn becomes an additional factor of distress.
Key words stressful situation, alcohol dependence, codependency
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