ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 2 (95)The peculiarities of metabolic changes in patients in recovery and residual periods of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Title of the article The peculiarities of metabolic changes in patients in recovery and residual periods of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Authors Duve Khrystyna
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 2 (95) Pages 19-21
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 612.015.39: 576.311.347-02:616.831-005.1-036.6 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the indicators of apoptosis, necrosis, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in patients in early and late recovery and residual periods of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). We examined 82 patients, divided them into groups according to age, sex, catamnesis, hemorrhage form, aneurysm localization and surgical treatment method. By the method of fl ow cytofl uorometry we defi ned the elevation of white blood cells (WBC) in apoptosis and necrosis — by 2,88 and 1,96 times. The level of WBC with reduced mitochondrial membrane potential increased by 2,17 and the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was higher by 2,82 times. The statistically reliable diff erence was absent in patients of different age and hemorrhage form. But in groups which were divided due to sex, catamnesis, aneurysm localization and surgical treatment method we received statistically reliable results. Significantly higher indicators of apoptosis were observed in the female group. Mythochondrial dysfunction was higher in recovery period. Patients, who underwent endovascular surgery method showed higher level of ROS than those who had not any surgical treatment. Those who had vertebrobasilar localization of aneurysm showed signifi cantly higher apoptosis level.
Key words aneurysm, subarachnoid haemorrhage, apoptosis, necrosis, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction
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