ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)The non-chemical addictions, which are comorbid with psychosomatic disorders in young people
Title of the article The non-chemical addictions, which are comorbid with psychosomatic disorders in young people
Authors Korostiy Volodymyr
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 53-56
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.33-002.44+616.12-008.331.1+616.248]:616.895.4 Index BBK -
Abstract Article is devoted to the results of the study devoted to the results of the study of non-chemical addictions in psychosomatic disorders in young people and the principle of diff erential treatment in the structure of an integrated system of treatment and psychological rehabilitation of patients with psychosomatic disorders, developed by the author. In 956 young people with psychosomatic diseases: asthma, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and hypertensive system approach to determine the clinical characteristics of the formation and structure of emotional disturbances and nonchemical addictions. The observed predominance of the surveyed contingent of non-chemical addictions computer addiction reliably indicates predisposition personality, which determines the tendency of both the CCL and to this kind of addiction. Pathogenetic role in the development of addictive behavior and course of CCL in young people is the impact of non-chemical addictions at the risk of the further course of CCL, which is predominantly mediated through the EP anxiety and depressive spectra and behavioral disorders — impaired circadian rhythms, physical inactivity.
Key words psychosomatic disease, emotional disorders, non-chemical addiction, computer addiction, psychotherapy
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