ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Criteria and clinical tools for diff erential diagnostics of endogenous catatonia and late neurotropic eff ects of neuro leptic therapy (“Endogenous catatonia diff erentiation scale”)
Title of the article Criteria and clinical tools for diff erential diagnostics of endogenous catatonia and late neurotropic eff ects of neuro leptic therapy (“Endogenous catatonia diff erentiation scale”)
Authors Chugunov Vadim
Linskiy Igor
Safonov D. N.
Gorodokin Anton
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 88-96
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.431-079.94- Index BBK -
Abstract To develop criteria and a clinical tools (scale for diff erential diagnosis of catatonic syndrome endogenous origin and late neurotrophic eff ects of neuroleptic therapy (LNENT), a study on a cohort of 101 patients of “Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Psy chiatric Hospital” was conducted. Contingent included 2 groups: 32 patients with catatonic syndrome of endogenous origin and 69 patients with secondary catatonia in structure of LNENT. Study analyzed existing classifi cations and diagnostic tools by criteria of coverage and diagnostic value of exploited signs. On the basis of comparative analysis of clinicallypsychopathological characteristics of the contingent and the statistical data within A. Wald sequential procedure (modifi ed by E. G. Gubler) clinical scale was developed. Developed scale allow to make diagnostic conclusion between (endogenous) catatonia and secondary catatonia in structure of LNENT with any of the three reliability levels: 95 % (p = 0.05), 99 % (p = 0.01) or 99.9 % (p = 0.001).
Key words catatonia, catatonic syndrome, endogenous catatonia, diagnostic scale, secondary catatonia, late neurotrophic eff ects of neuroleptic therapy
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