ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)Pharmacotherapy of suicidal behavior in patients with fi rst episode psychosis
Title of the article Pharmacotherapy of suicidal behavior in patients with fi rst episode psychosis
Authors Mudrenko Iryna
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 58-61
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.44-008.1-085.214 Index BBK -
Abstract We identifi ed that to the psychopathological predictors of suicidal behavior in patients with fi rst episode psychosis belong: Kandinskiy — Clerambault’s syndrome, depressive symptomatology, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, conceptual disorganization, psychomotor agitation, emotional-volitional disorders, and autonomic dysfunction. The method of treatment of autoaggressive behavior in patients with fi rst episode psychosis with the help of atypical neuroleptic amisulpridum in comparison with haloperidol was proposed. Amisulpridum signifi cantly reduced the intensity of psychopathological symptomatology according to the PANSS scale and improved quality of life and social functioning of patients after taking this drug for four weeks. Also its positive impact on the reduction of the level of suicidal risk in patients with fi rst episode psychosis was noted.
Key words fi rst episode psychosis, suicidal behavior, pharmacotherapy, amisulpridum, quality of life
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