ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 3(84)Psychopathogenetic models of aff ective disorders in patients suff ering from addictive pathology
Title of the article Psychopathogenetic models of aff ective disorders in patients suff ering from addictive pathology
Authors Grigoryan Artur
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 3(84) Pages 63-67
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895-008.447-092 Index BBK -
Abstract In order to form a psychopathogenetic models of aff ective disorders in the structure of addictive pathology 100 patients “Zaporizhzhia Regional Narcologic Dispensary” suff ering from aff ective disorders in the structure of, were examined. Using clinically-psychopathological method integrative systematic of etiopathogenetic mechanisms of aff ective disorders formation in the structure of addictive pathology, was developed. This mechanisms includes: pathoaff ective, somatogenically- organic, patopersonologic, sociogenic, abstinent, intoxicative, emotional and of deprivation. Typical structural and dynamic versions of depressive and manioform syndromes was described, and formed psychopathogenetic models for each of the described mechanisms was developed.
Key words polydrug use, psychopathogenetic model, aff ective disorders, depression, manioform syndrome
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