ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 3(84)Protein S100β eff ect as a marker of early chronical cerebral ischemia diagnostics
Title of the article Protein S100β eff ect as a marker of early chronical cerebral ischemia diagnostics
Authors Demchenko Alina
Abramov Andrii
Bobrova Valentyna
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 3(84) Pages 43-46
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.4-036.1-07:577.112 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the given work is to study the level of protein S100В among patients with chronic cerebral ischemia depending on the stage of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE), intensity of cognitive impairment and structural changes of brain. 120 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia and 20 healthy patients without signs of cerebrovascular disease have been examined using clinical and neuropsychological, laboratory, instrumental and statistical methods of investigation. In serum of investigated the level of S100В protein has been detected using immunoenzyme method. The increase of protein S100В level was obtained among patients with DE on diff erent stages. By means of progressing DE stage the signifi cant (p < 0,0001) increase of protein S100В contents in a serum has been obtained. The negative correlated connection between the level of S100В protein and of cognitive defi cit has been obtained and determined due to the neuropsychological scales and amplitude cognitive of evoked potential Р300. The determination of protein S100В contents allow to provide temporary laboratory diagnostics of brain lesion among patients with cognitive diseases on the early stages of DE. Signifi cant increase (p < 0,01) of protein S100В level is obtained among patients with leukoaraiosis focuses and patients with combined focal disease of white substance and enlargement of subarachnoid spaces and/or cerebral sinus system in comparison with patients without structural changes in brain.
Key words dyscirculatory encephalopathy, protein S100В, cognitive impairment, neurovisualizational change
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