ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 3(84)Improvement of compliance in patients with depression (integrated system of therapy and evaluation of its effectiveness)
Title of the article Improvement of compliance in patients with depression (integrated system of therapy and evaluation of its effectiveness)
Authors Zhupanova Daria
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 3(84) Pages 68-73
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 159.09:616.895.4 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presents the results of the development, practical application and evaluation of an integrated system of therapy aimed at improving of medicamental compliance (MC) in patients with depressive disorders. The comprehensive system of medical measures, aimed at improving of the MC in patients with depression, is based on the following principles: a therapeutic cooperation; systemic and individual-oriented approaches; diff erentiated activities. Program activities were aimed at groups of factors that contribute to the deterioration of the MC in patients with depression (factors associated with the disease, the patient’s individuality, with the drug, that patient is taking, with social and psychological factors and factors of medical care organization). The system involved the application of pharmacological and psychotherapy, psychoeducation and psychosocial activities. The evaluation of eff ectiveness of the developed complex system of therapy testifi ed of its advantages over the traditionally used methods.
Key words depressive disorders, medicamental compliance, pharmacological and psychotherapy, psychoeducation, the evaluation of eff ectiveness, quality of life
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