ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Combination of Lamotrigine and Lithium in the treatment of bipolar II disorder (results of open comparative trial)
Title of the article Combination of Lamotrigine and Lithium in the treatment of bipolar II disorder (results of open comparative trial)
Authors Telyukov Oles
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 108-112
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895:615.214-08:001.8 Index BBK -
Abstract In the article the results of comparative trial of the combining usa ge of Lamotrigine and Lithium as normothymic drug’s scheme in the therapy of Bipolar II Disorder were showed. Two parallel groups of patients which received Lamotrigine combined Lithium and Depacine were used. The estimation of effi cacy was fulfi lled by using HAMD-21, YMRS, ISST, CGI-S and CGI-І scales. High effi cacy of Lamotrine and Lithium combination in the treatment of depression in Bipolar II Disorder was showed. Lamotrine combined Lithium revealed good tolerability during all period of trial. Positive infl uence of this combination to correction of suicidal ideations and more stable infl uence to prevention of phase inversion were established.
Key words Lamotrigine, lithium, Bipolar Disorder, antidepressants, normothymics
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