ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Rationale fundamentals and approaches to providing comprehensive specialized care to persons with nonpsychotic mental disorders due partially sighted traumatic genesis
Title of the article Rationale fundamentals and approaches to providing comprehensive specialized care to persons with nonpsychotic mental disorders due partially sighted traumatic genesis
Authors Abdriakhimova Tsira
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 158-163
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008:617.7-001.4 Index BBK -
Abstract On the basis of clinical psychopathology and psycho-diagnostic survey of 200 patients with non-psychotic mental disorders due to partial loss of traumatic origin, grounded terms and approaches to the provision of specialized medical care to this patient population. Planning care for people with non-psychotic mental disorders due to partial loss of traumatic origin conceptually should consider that damage to the structure or function (eye injury) leads to a reduced ability to carry out some of the skills and actions. In turn, on the background of the alleged restrictions role functioning of patients in certain areas of non-psychotic mental disorders impair the ability of independent existence by "adding" own clinical symptoms, limiting livelihoods. Principles and approaches to providing comprehensive care for people with non-psychotic mental disorders due to partial loss of traumatic origin include the following areas: health care; advice and assistance in the social sphere; independent preparation for independent living; providing assistive technology, vehicles, household socio-devices; special education services, vocational rehabilitation (including vocational guidance, vocational training, employment).
Key words partial loss of trau ma tic origin, non-psychotic mental disorders, complex specialized care
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