ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Prognostic properties of the Framingham scale and some biochemical indicators concerning risk of cerebrovascular events in inhabitants of the northeast of Ukraine
Title of the article Prognostic properties of the Framingham scale and some biochemical indicators concerning risk of cerebrovascular events in inhabitants of the northeast of Ukraine
Authors Linska Ganna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 20-28
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005:001.8(477) Index BBK -
Abstract Research objective is an estimation prognostic properties of known risk factors of cerebrovascular events (in particular that are used by Framingham scale) and also results of complex biochemical analysis in inhabitants of the northeast of Ukraine. 218 persons — inhabitants of Kharkiv, Sumy, Luhans’k and Donets’k areas — are surveyed, including 60 practically healthy persons; 86 persons with hypertension; and also 72 persons with an ischemic brain stroke in carotid or vertebrobasilar basins. The risk factors of cerebrovascular events which are used by the Framingham scale were defi ned by research of anamnesis. The blood levels of glucose; lipoids; general, direct and indirect bilirubin; ceruloplasmin; creatinine and urea were defi ned by method of complex biochemical analysis. It is established, that risk factors of cerebrovascular events which are used by the Framingham scale, are informative, however their prognostic value requires specifi cation for adequate application in population of the northeast of Ukraine as at use in an original form the real risk of brain strokes is essentially underestimated (average value of Framingham risk in a group of persons with already confi rmed diagnosis of a stroke reach only 26.57 ± 2.32 %, instead of close to 100 % size as it would be possible to expect). It is shown, that the most important additional risk factors of cerebrovascular events are blood levels of -cholesterol; β-lipoproteids, the general cholesterol and creatinine, total informativity of which (MI = 36.78 units) almost twice exceeds, total informativity Framingham scales (MI = 18.87 units).
Key words cerebrovascular events, risk factors, adequacy of estimations, Framingham scale.
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