ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 3 (80)Current trends of preparation of pharmaceutical personnel on the postgraduate stage
Title of the article Current trends of preparation of pharmaceutical personnel on the postgraduate stage
Authors Solohub Veronika Anatoliivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 3 (80) Pages 174-176
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 614.253.4+615.014 Index BBK -
Abstract The article contains the essence of postgraduate training, which is not a periodic repetition of university programs, but consistent improvement in professional skills based on new information and achievements of pharmaceutical science and practice. Strategy of development of postgraduate education should be based on years of domestic experience in preparing pharmaceutical personnel and modern positive achievements of world educational systems. For this purpose it is necessary to conduct a continuous lifelong learning, connecting the system of various educational types and forms, which work among a pharmaceutical personnel to provide an ongoing support and training and improvement of professional skills of experts in the pharmaceutical industry. Program of reforms of pharmaceutical education of Ukraine for the purpose of integration in the European Community are provided fundamental changes in the system of training of specialists, aimed at professional development and competitiveness of specialists in the conditions of the labor market and competitive system within the state. Training specialists should be conducted for new educational and professional programs that correspond to the International Standard Classifi cation of Education (ISCED). Starting point in the system of postgraduate training of pharmacists is internship that provides professional adaptation to the conditions of a particular pharmaceutical company. Primary specialization (internship) is obligatory form of postgraduate training of graduates of higher pharmaceutical education, after which qualifi cation in the specialty is "General pharmacy". The main task of the internship is to enhance practical training of graduates, their professional readiness for independent pharmaceutical activity.
Key words pharmacy, continuing professional development, postgraduate education
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