ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Ei ciency of psychoeducational sessions for hospital treatment of patients with schizophrenia
Title of the article Ei ciency of psychoeducational sessions for hospital treatment of patients with schizophrenia
Authors Kozhyna  Hanna
Korostiy Volodymyr
Shykova  Viktoriia Valentynivna
Sukhoivanova  Olena Igorovna
Kryshtal  Valentyn
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 83-85
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-08-039.76-039.11+00.891 Index BBK -
Abstract A comprehensive survey was carried out of 142  female patients at the age 18  — 35, which have diagnosis the schizophrenia in period of stabiliza-tion state. The integrative model of psy-choeducational work was proposed, which includes application of various information modules, techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy, training ef ects, problem-oriented discussions, and family psychotherapy. The psychoeducation was deter-mined to be superior over conven-tional complex treatment intended for reduction of negative ymptoms, productive symptoms and general psy-chopathological symptoms of patients with schizophrenia. It is supported by dynamic analysis of the clinical distur-bances and psychopathological ones on the PANSS.  The improvement of psychosocial functioning and quality of life of the patients with schizophrenia who participated in the psychoeduca-tional activities was determined. It is proved that psychoeduca-tion not only increases the amount of knowledge intensii es coni dence in the fight against the disease, but solves the problem of social reintegration of the patient.
Key words psychoeducation, schizo -phrenia, quality of life, social functio-ning
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