ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Complex treatment of the depressive disorders burdened by suicide behavior, with application of laser therapy
Title of the article Complex treatment of the depressive disorders burdened by suicide behavior, with application of laser therapy
Authors Malykhina Nataliia
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 120-125
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4-08: 615.849.19 Index BBK -
Abstract Research objective is increase efficiency of treatment of patients with endogenous depressive disor-ders burdened by suicide behavior with complex application of medica-mentous treatment and laser therapy (with local hypothermia of skin in points of laser radiation's influence). 110  patients with suicide behavior in form of self-poisoning attempts (55  women with recurrent depres-sive disorder and 55  women with depressive episode,) are surveyed. All patients have been proportionally divided in two groups of compari-son. In the basic group (80  persons) complex treatment with application of medicamentous treatment, ratio-nal psychotherapy and laser therapy (with local hypothermia of skin in points of influence of laser radiation) was used. In control group (30  per-sons) only medicamentous treat-ment with rational psychotherapy was used. The efficiency of treat-ment was estimated on dynamics of depressive symptomatology and results of investigation with applica-tion of Hamilton-21depression scale, Spilberger-Khanin scales of reactive and personal anxiety and Lusher color test (with calculation of anxiety index and Shiposh factor). It is established, that the offered variant of complex therapy provides statistically signifi-cant increment of treatment's effi-ciency in patients with endogenous depressive disorders burdened by suicide behavior.
Key words endogenous depres-sive disorders, suicide behavior, laser therapy, local г hypothermia.
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