ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 4 (77)Up-to-date approaches to the treatment of depressive disorders
Title of the article Up-to-date approaches to the treatment of depressive disorders
Authors Kozhyna  Hanna
Zelenska Kateryna
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 4 (77) Pages 90-93
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.442 Index BBK -
Abstract In this study the evaluation of clinical eff ectiveness of ‘Emoton’ in patients with depressive disorders was carried out. Basing on the complex survey of 95 patients with nonpsychotic depressive disorders and with illness duration from 6 months to 5 years. Basing on anamnesis, clinical, psychopathological data and Hamilton, Montgomery-Asberg, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale data next variants of psychopathological symptomatology were signed out: anxious (44.3 % cases), neurasthenic (38.9 % cases) and anxiety with melancholy (16.8 % cases). The study has shown high effi - cacy of the Emoton in treatment of depressive disorders — there were reduction of anxiety and depression symptoms, mood normalization, improvement of cognitive characteristics, stabilization of vegetative state marked. This group of patients had an improvement of cognitive signs, vanishing of obsessive reminiscences of experienced events and phobic symptomatology. There were growth of psychophysical activity and self-confidence marked, that had been helping to enlarge the number of contacts with people around and to renew usual motion conditions.
Key words depression, serotonin, Emoton
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