ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)Combined action of trazodone as a factor in increaset herapeutic effi cacy in the treatment of depressive and anxiety-depressive disorders compared with drugs of SSRIs
Title of the article Combined action of trazodone as a factor in increaset herapeutic effi cacy in the treatment of depressive and anxiety-depressive disorders compared with drugs of SSRIs
Authors Romaniv O. P.
Khaustova Olena
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 95-99
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4:615.214 Index BBK -
Abstract The article describes experience with the drug trazodone (trittiko) in a psychiatric hospital and the outpatient treatment of depression and anxiety-depressive disorders. Growth morbidity and a rapid progressive decline in the quality of life of patients with these diseases require new therapeutic opportunities, identifying strengths and weaknesses of modern antidepressants. The experience of the clinical comparison group of drugs SSRIs and trazodone, their impact on quality of life, speed of onset of therapeutic eff ect and action spectra. With clinical questionnaires (Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D, 17 points), Montgomery-Asberg Scale (MADRS); Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) and the quality of living by Chaban O. S., Khaustova O. O.) describes the dynamics of therapy and additional pivot point for the psychiatrist in terms of commitment to long-term treatment of patients who have advanced multifunctional antidepressants.
Key words antidepressants, trazodone, depression, anxiety and depressive disorders, quality of life for patients with depression.
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