ГоловнаArchive of numbers2024Volume 32, issue 1 (118)Sex upbringing and sexual education in Ukraine: to study the non-existent for creating the real.
Title of the article Sex upbringing and sexual education in Ukraine: to study the non-existent for creating the real.
Authors Markova Marianna
Year 2024 Issue Volume 32, issue 1 (118) Pages 4-11
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.442-084(616-053.71+613.96) Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V32-is1-2024-1

 The article raises the problem of sex upbringing and sexual education in Ukraine. The current state of the implementation of sex education is considered: the absence of a specialized course, the mosaic inclusion of certain (not all) issues in the content of compulsory subjects of school education. The meaningful content of domestic training programs was studied, and a conclusion was drawn about their complete inconsistency with the modern requirements of social trends for the formation of safe and responsible sexual behavior in young people. The successful experience of the development and implementation of sex upbringing and sexual education in the countries of the European Union and the USA is analyzed, and the normative documents of the European Union that regulate this issue and which can become prototypes for the creation of a domestic system of sex education and sex education in Ukraine are given. The role of parents is emphasized; a conclusion about the need for cooperation of state institutions in the aspect of political will regarding the creation and implementation of the system of sex education and sexual education of youth in Ukraine, and the family and upbringing and educational institutions — as the main institutions that have a direct influence on all aspects of psychosexual development and socialization of the child was made. A general conclusion about the need to create and implement sex upbringing and sexual education into the school curriculum as one of the important steps towards a full-fledged European future of Ukraine was made.
Key words sex upbringing, sexual education, young people, safe responsible sexual behavior, sexuality
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