ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Social functioning of patients with hallucinator-paranoid disorders in mixed dementia of heavy direction of expression
Title of the article Social functioning of patients with hallucinator-paranoid disorders in mixed dementia of heavy direction of expression
Authors Shevchenko-Bitenskyi  Kostiantyn
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Pages 61-64
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.899:616.89-008.47«4» Index BBK -
Abstract In the study of the features of the social functioning of patients with mixed dementia of heavy direction of expression, complicated by hallucinatoryparanoid disorders, 56 patients took part. 27 patients with mixed dementia of heavy direction of expression, which comprised the main group and 29 patients with mixed dementia without psychotic disorders entered the control group. A more pronounced eff ect on the overall level of social functioning of a cognitive defect is brought up than the eff ect of psychotic disorders per se. A pronounced negative eff ect of psychotic disorders on the functions of selfcare, communication, on the eff ectiveness and level of participation in household chores and the fulfi llment of the parental role has been established.
Key words mixed dementia, hallucinatory disorders, paranoid disorders, social functioning, heavy direction of expression
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