ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Clinical case: insomnia in a patient with down syndrome with symptomatic epilepsy
Title of the article Clinical case: insomnia in a patient with down syndrome with symptomatic epilepsy
Authors Sukhorukov Viktor
Zabrodina Liudmyla
Bovt Yuliya
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Pages 69-71
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853-073.97 Index BBK -
Abstract The paper presents a clinical case of insomnia in a patient with Down syndrome on the background of symptomatic epilepsy. The daytime EEG registration and night-sleep polysomnography with video monitoring was conducted. It was shown that the patient, in the absence of seizures during the daytime, against the background of anti-epileptic therapy, has nighttime focal seizures with myoclonic facial cramps, fi xation of the eyeballs upwards, retrograde amnesia, accompanied by focal pathological changes in frontal leads without secondary generalization. As a result of the treatment plan revision, it was established that the cause of insomnia in this patient was identified nightly partial short-term epileptic seizures, which requires the inclusion of a polysomnographic study in diagnostic protocol of this patients category.
Key words electroencephalogram, insomnia, epilepsy
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