ГоловнаArchive of numbers2019Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Analysis of signifi cant factors of forming neurosis-like enuresis in children
Title of the article Analysis of signifi cant factors of forming neurosis-like enuresis in children
Authors Lukyantseva Olga
Pryvalova Nataliya
In the section The Scientifi c and Practical Conference proceedings "Modern Approaches to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Nervous System Diseases in Children", September 19—20, Kharkiv
Year 2019 Issue Volume 27, issue 3 (100) Pages 76-79
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.62-008.223 / Index BBK -
Abstract Our research was focused on systemic analysis of clinical information with accent on somatic factors which caused forming of neurosislike enuresis as well as on study of particularities of family relationship and their infl uence on personality development of children taking into account gender differences. Clinical and psychological examination of 90 children (66 boys and 24 girls) at age from 6 to 17 years with neurosis-like enuresis was carried out. It was found that the whole complex of factors lead to forming of enuresis. They are: unripeness of cortex, systemic connective tissue dysplasia, frequent colds, chickenpox in anamnesis, chronic rhinitis as well as signifi cant violations of upbringing in families such as dominant hyperprotection, failure of system of requirements, bans, duties and sanctions for disturbances of norms and rules of behavior; family relationship disorders due to personality problems in parents Strategic directions and individual methods of clinical and psychological rehabilitation of children with enuresis and their families were elaborated. They included complex of therapy, forming of knowledge about illness and adequate attitude to it as well as correct organization of family life and communicative skills training for parents.
Key words children, neurosis-like enuresis, relations in family, clinical and psychological rehabilitation
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