ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 3 (96)Integrative medical-psychological model of non-compliance on the example of patients with cancer
Title of the article Integrative medical-psychological model of non-compliance on the example of patients with cancer
Authors Mukharovska Inna
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 3 (96) Pages 43-45
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48:159.923:615.851-055 Index BBK -
Abstract Compliance is an important condition for conducting eff ective treatment and improving the quali ty of life patients with somatic pathology. Research conducted in the Kyiv City Clinical Cancer Center. Examined 248 patients with cancer who received analgesic therapy (AT) related with chronic pain syndrome, for adherence to treatment and the factors that violate it. The ineff ectiveness of the prescribed AT was most often due to noncompliance with the basic principles of analgesia, violation of the intended AT scheme, psychological reactions associated with treatment (fear of dependence or side eff ects of drugs). Detected three group of factors engaged in non-compliance: personal, psychosocial and medical. Identifi cation of the factors and manifestations of non-compliance has an important medical — the eff ectiveness of treatment, and the psychological signifi cance — prediction psychological response of patients during treatment, prevention and correction non-adaptive forms of behavior.
Key words compliance, soma tic diseases, medical-psychological help, cancer patients
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